The Gnome Geocache Container is a whimsical, fun little hide–guaranteed to bring a smile to those who find him! The cute little gnome, available in 4 styles, is hand-painted resin. It is attached to the top of a magnetic Black Betty geocache container, which is a strong medical-grade black plastic container. We’ve used extra strong magnets in these, a little larger than what is in our normal containers, just to make sure the magnets will hold no matter how you choose to hide the container!
The total height of the Gnome Geocache Container ranges from approximately 2-3/8″ (for the sitting gnome with the “welcome” sign) to approximately 3″. The base of the container that the gnome sits on is about 1-1/2″ in diameter and about 1/2″ tall and contains a log in a zip bag for extra protection. The container is water-tight and very sturdy.
The Gnome Geocache Container will tuck in just about anywhere you want to place him, from the hollow of a tree to a light skirt, from your basic urban hides to out in nature.
The Purple Gnome Geocache Container is a sitting gnome with a purple jacket and a blue hat holding a “Welcome” sign. The Green Gnome Geocache Container is a standing gnome with a green jacket and an orange hat holding an ax. The Blue Gnome Geocache Container is a standing gnome with a blue jacket and a red hat holding a shovel. The Brown Gnome Geocache Container is a standing gnome with a brown jacket and a gold hat holding a watering can. If you order a set of 4, you will receive one of each variety–and save big $$!
When you’re ready to replace the log, you can download it free by clicking here. Or visit our Free Replacement Log Downloads page for all our available logs..