Put some extra difficulty and extra fun in your next puzzle or multi-stage hide with this Locking Geocache Container.

Approximately 6-1/4″ long with the combination lock in place, this cache hide starts out with a soda bottle preform tube with a log and mini ink pen already placed inside so it’s ready to hide. The combination lock fits around the lip of the preform and locks securely in place. All you have to do is work out the details of your placement & reset the combination and you’re good to go.

We’ll include the instructions to re-set the combination to any 3 digit number you choose (all start out with 000). The finder has to either solve the puzzle or find the previous stages to unlock your code to sign the log and claim the smiley!
The soda bottle preforms have the lid attached & make for a very sturdy water-tight host for your log sheet. Perfect for all your urban or rural hides.
Click here for instructions to reset the combination on your cache.
For FREE replacement logs for your Locking Geocache Container, click here.